
Hey MTV, welcome to my crib. Just kidding, I had to get that in there somehow. Don't think I'll ever get a chance to really say that, so I just thought I would get it out of the way. So anyways, like I had posted previously, I am still in the same apartment, just I now have it all to myself. Rebecca, my cousin, moved out so she could save money for a house, so now the whole place is mine. So I decided to do a little redecorating. I painted two of the walls in the living room/den area. Now I know your asking why only 2? Well, if you've been in the apartment, you know why. The third wall contains the front door and is probably like 30 feet long. Plus, there really isn't a closure in the living room, so if I painted that wall, then I would basically have to paint the whole apartment, which wasn't going to happen. Luckily, the landladies will allow you to paint the apartment as long as you paint it back when you leave, so that allowed me to add a little color. The living room still isn't quite finished as I need some more things to hang up to make it look more homely, but that will come with time. So anyways to Rebecca's old room, now known as the UT room. As you can see above, the highlight of the room is the orange and white checkerboard. It really adds something to the room. You can see parts of it from the hallway, and it automatically draws your eyes to it, which is what it is supposed to do. And yes, that is Home Depot's Tennessee Orange, and yes it was a pain to paint, taking almost 6 hours of taping and painting, but it was worth it. Other notable items are the bed in the left bottom corner that has kind of been turned into a day bed, and the shelf on the right containing special UT moments from my life. The top shelf contains a clock I bought at Myrtle Beach that looks like a scoreboard but gives the time, date, and temperature. Accompanying the clock is three pics from my graduation. The second shelf is from Senior Night with the basketball team. It has photos of me and my parents with Buzz and the other seniors. Third shelf is my gift from that night, a signed basketball from everyone on the team, including players, coaches, trainers, managers, and a special guest that night who is also one of my favorite UT players of all time, Ron Slay. If you ever got a chance to meet that guy, he is awesome. One of the nicest guys ever. Fourth shelf is another treasure. It's my UT Letterman's jacket. After your last year as a manager, you are rewarded a Letter from the University, so that really means alot to me. Not many people can say they were a UT Letterman. The bottom shelf is just some extra stuff I threw down there to complete the shelf. Overall, it's a really cool room I think, and really makes a difference in the apartment, and let's me show off some of my stuff from basketball. If anyone ever wants to come check it out, holla at me and I'll be sure to give you a tour and show you all my rides and everything. :) Had to get another MTV joke in there. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing about my NFL fantasy football draft which is taking place tonight. Hopefully, I'll be able to draft a good team. Peace out homies!
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