Smallville and Softball
This is mainly for B McD, but for anyone else who cares also. So I am playing in two softball leagues out at the Sportspark in Karns. First off, that place is awesome. They take really good care of the fields and it's a definite improvement over playing out at West End. Since Laurel didn't field a team this year, I'm playing with some guys from Calvary Chapel. They're all really nice guys and we have a nice group of older and younger guys, which is different for me as I am used to being one of the youngest on the team. Anyways, last night was my third game I've played out there since I have had a total of 3 games rained out so far. But it was the first time I got on base. I had been hitting the ball fairly well thus far, just right at people. So BMcD, I was 2-4 with 2 runs and 3 RBI's I think. I finally hit the ball good as I hit one off the fence, and I didn't even hit it hard (by the way, the fields we play on are huge, 300 feet to left and right). So hopefully, I can continue to get my swing back. As for the other league I play in, I play for Scripps Networks in a Co-ed league. More about that to come as I have a couple of thoughts about Co-ed leagues.