Smallville and Softball
So for those that didn't know, one of my most absolute favorite shows is Smallville. I own all four seasons on DVD and really enjoy the show. Last week's episode might have been the worst episode ever as I felt as if I was watching SAW the movie. So after last night's episode, the show is back on it's normal track. Last night, Clark found out about Lex and Lana, and he isn't too happy about it. I guess one of the things I like most about the show is the complexities of the relationships between all the characters. Clark is that guy that knows what he wants, is afraid to do anything in fear of hurting the one he loves, and has to realize that he can't control something that isn't his. Another thing Clark fights with this episode is something that I am sure that some doctors and other resuce people deal with. What do you do when you can help someone that goes on to hurt other people? The always informative Chloe tells Clark that he can't control whom he saves and it's not his decision to save them or not. That's another thing I like about Smallville. There always seems to be an underlying theme in the episodes. And one more thing, it appears Lex is up to something big in his talkings with Dr. Fine. It will be interesting to see what becomes of that in the upcoming episodes.
This is mainly for B McD, but for anyone else who cares also. So I am playing in two softball leagues out at the Sportspark in Karns. First off, that place is awesome. They take really good care of the fields and it's a definite improvement over playing out at West End. Since Laurel didn't field a team this year, I'm playing with some guys from Calvary Chapel. They're all really nice guys and we have a nice group of older and younger guys, which is different for me as I am used to being one of the youngest on the team. Anyways, last night was my third game I've played out there since I have had a total of 3 games rained out so far. But it was the first time I got on base. I had been hitting the ball fairly well thus far, just right at people. So BMcD, I was 2-4 with 2 runs and 3 RBI's I think. I finally hit the ball good as I hit one off the fence, and I didn't even hit it hard (by the way, the fields we play on are huge, 300 feet to left and right). So hopefully, I can continue to get my swing back. As for the other league I play in, I play for Scripps Networks in a Co-ed league. More about that to come as I have a couple of thoughts about Co-ed leagues.
This is mainly for B McD, but for anyone else who cares also. So I am playing in two softball leagues out at the Sportspark in Karns. First off, that place is awesome. They take really good care of the fields and it's a definite improvement over playing out at West End. Since Laurel didn't field a team this year, I'm playing with some guys from Calvary Chapel. They're all really nice guys and we have a nice group of older and younger guys, which is different for me as I am used to being one of the youngest on the team. Anyways, last night was my third game I've played out there since I have had a total of 3 games rained out so far. But it was the first time I got on base. I had been hitting the ball fairly well thus far, just right at people. So BMcD, I was 2-4 with 2 runs and 3 RBI's I think. I finally hit the ball good as I hit one off the fence, and I didn't even hit it hard (by the way, the fields we play on are huge, 300 feet to left and right). So hopefully, I can continue to get my swing back. As for the other league I play in, I play for Scripps Networks in a Co-ed league. More about that to come as I have a couple of thoughts about Co-ed leagues.
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