Tuesday, April 25, 2006


24 – Now, for the best show on TV. So maybe this was a bad week to start the blog cause it seemed like 24 was really stretching this week. I mean usually there are only 1 or 2 things that make you say, “That would never happen.” But not this week. Jack continues to amaze me though. So on to the show. Kind of the same as Prison Break, nothing exciting happened, just setting up for the end of the season. One impressive thing about this show though, I don’t think Jack killed anybody throughout the show. If your not familiar with 24, then you might not realize that this might be a first. Anyways, Karen Hayes who is now in charge of CTU is getting very suspicious of how things are being handled by the president. She becomes more suspicious of him when Valerie who mistakingly helped Chloe escape, tells Karen that Chloe said that Jack said that President Logan was in on all the terrorist attacks of the day. Karen then calls and talks to Mike Novick about Logan and Novick isn’t sure what is going on either. Chloe is finally discovered after she has been hacking into CTU’s computers for almost the whole show (which means an hour for those that don’t watch the show). All I have to say is it’s about freaking time. I’m glad to see anyone can crack into a government agency’s computer for almost a full hour and not get caught til the end of the hour. Anyways, Karen decides to help Chloe and Jack and calls Buchanan’s house and tells him that Chloe needs to leave cause a tactical team is on the way to capture her.

Meanwhile, Jack tracks down Henderson thanks to Chloe’s help and captures him, but Henderson doesn’t have the recording. Therefore Jack leaves Audrey with Henderson, dumb move Jack, and leaves to go get the recording. Curtis is called to come pick up Audrey and Henderson, but somehow, Henderson’s men get there before Curtis does. Audrey goes and hides, and is grabbed, but by get this – CURTIS!!. Never saw that coming, please. Anyway, Curtis’ men kill Henderson’s men and recapture Henderson. Jack has tracked the recording down to a plane that is preparing to take off from the airport they were just at. This is where the show goes a little over board. The plane is a diplomatic plane and is being heavily guarded as expected. However, Jack is able to park his stolen police car next to a fence, and run and jump on a tanker truck and climb on top as it goes to fill up the plane. The truck pulls up to the plane where Jack jumps off onto another truck. He then climbs down onto the ground and notices the plane being loaded. Before the luggage loaders pull away, he sneaks over, grabs two bags off the luggage cart and climbs on the plane without being noticed. HELLO!!!!!!!! Where are all the heavily armed men that are guarding this freaking plane? Apparently, they are all blind. It just blows my mind. Well, next week’s episode looks to be promising as Jack is going to take over the entire plane to find the recording, so hopefully next week’s episode will be a little better.

I want to apologize for my little rant at the end, but I just felt that needed to be said. As noted above, this show is usually REALLY good, and was tonight, but I felt like it reached just a little too much. So hopefully, my reviews have spiked your interest a little and you will check out Prison Break and 24 on Fox, Mondays from 8-10. You will be pleasantly surprised.


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