Thursday, September 07, 2006

A sad day :(

So yesterday was a sad day for me. As many of you know, I spent four years of my life working with the UT Men's basketball team. And during those four years I was able to meet a lot of interesting basketball players, some that I like more than others. Well, yesterday, one of those I like was dismissed from the team. Major Wingate was one of my favorite players while I worked with the team. He was always nice to anyone he saw and would always speak to you. He has a very eccentric personality and a guy that sometimes seemed to be out there. A good story about Major comes from back in 2005 on a trip to South Carolina. Major is from Florence, South Carolina and rarely gets a chance to see his mom. So, needless to day, he was excited about traveling to Columbia so that his mom would be able to some and see him play. We arrived in Columbia on Friday night and proceeded to go to eat at a fairly nice restaurant. One thing you should know about the team, was that when we traveled, the team would always sit together and the managers/support staff would sit together. Well, there wasn't a place for Major to sit, so he came over and sat with me and Blake for dinner. He kept us entertained all night. Major is such a funny guy that it's hard not to get along with him. I don't know if any of the other players would have done what he did, excpet for maybe Dane, Jordan, or Fred. And if they had to sit with us, they probably would have complained about it. But not Major. He has always been a really cool guy to know, and so yesterday was a really sad day for me knowing that his college career had more than likely come to an end. Major, you will be truly missed.


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