Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Prison Break and 24

Last night was a great night for FOX. Both Prison Break and 24 were awesome. So on to the reviews…

Prison Break. WOW! What an episode! Last night, we finally got to see what we had been waiting for all year. The escape took place and everyone escaped, including Haywire, except for Westmoreland and Manche. Westmoreland told Michael, C-Note, and T-bag where his money was hidden and that it wasn’t $1 million, but $5 million. Manche tried to escape but the rope broke when he got onto it and he was unable to escape. The warden was tied up and finally rescued by his secretary when she became suspicious. Bellick is still tied up in the pipe, but will soon be rescued as the warden knows he is down there. Nick let Veronica go and told her to go to Montana to try to find Terrence Steadman. Then Nick and his father were killed by someone, not sure who the guy works for. “The Company” is withdrawing their support for Vice President Caroline Reynolds as she runs for President. That’s the basic outline of the episode. It leaves a lot to happen next week in the finale. I will have a more in depth review next week as the finale debuts.

So now for 24. A lot happened in this hour. Jack and the copilot were able to land the plane on a highway near LA so that they wouldn’t be blown up since President Logan had ordered the plane shot down. We find out that Audrey’s father, Secretary of Defense James Heller, survived his crash of the cliff. I had a sick feeling when he crashed his car off the cliff that he would survive and I was right. Anyways, I have a feeling he will come back to help Jack since it appears the tape is erased. Back-stabbing Myles is told about the tape and Jack by Karen Hayes. Once Jack returns, he gives the tape to Chloe to prepare for the Attorney General. Meanwhile, President Logan gets out a pistol and prepares to assassinate himself. A well timed phone call from Myles gets a hold of President Logan and tells him he is willing to help him and tamper with the tape. President Logan thanks him for his help and agrees to help him in any way possible. Bierko, who was captured many episodes back, is transferred out of CTU to another holding facility. With only 3 hours remaining, we know that Bierko escapes, the tape is erased, and that Logan is holding Agent Pierce captive. It appears that the next two weeks will have a lot of explosive action as the season finale looms in the near future.


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