Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Prison Break and 24

So, last night was a definite improvement for Prison Break and 24 over last week. Both shows revealed a lot and are setting themselves up for the season finales. With finales for both shows coming in less than a month, it’s going to be an exciting time On Monday nights on Fox. So now on to Prison Break…

Last night we found out that Veronica has discovered that the calls in Montana are coming from a house registered to Terrence Steadman through different off shore accounts. Also, the prisoners have to move up their escape because Bellick has found out about the escape from Tweeter. Michael has to kidnap the warden to get his brother out of solitary. There are a lot of twists though. Abruzzi is planning on killing all but 2 of the escapees and Nick captures Veronica to take her to the plane to meet Abruzzi. I would be willing to bet that somehow they are connected to the government in this. Michael has to ask Dr. Tancredi for her help and she then ends up confronting her father after she finds out that he is running for Vice President. All this leads us to next week where a lot is going to happen. Will DOC help Michael to escape? Who isn’t going to make it? Will Michael get Lincoln out? What is going to happen to Veronica? And will they figure out why Lincoln was framed? Stay tuned next week for an exciting show.

Now for 24. Most of the show was centered around Jack and the diplomatic plane he has snuck onto. Karen Hayes is now helping Jack and Chloe, but I think her co-worker is getting a little suspicious. Mike Novick is beginning to suspect something about President Logan it appears too. Jack is able to recapture the recording after convincing the pilot to allow him into the cockpit because the co-pilot has the recording. My only issue with this was Jack used his cell to contact Chloe to patch him through to the pilot. Now, I fully believe this could happen. What I don’t think could happen is that you could use your cell phone from 35,000 feet on a plane. I recently saw a study that showed that at 35,000 feet, there is a .6% chance of completing a call from a plane. Now, maybe with the government technology this could be possible, but who knows. Anyways, a lot of people are now aware of President Logan and he discovers they know through his contact with this company he is working with. The President is now aware that Karen Hayes knows about the recording. President Logan now has to make the only decision he can to save his life, and is going to have the plane shot down. This looks to make for an exciting finale as there are only 4 hours remaining in the day. The only question remaining is how is Jack going to get himself out of this one?


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